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Gardening Tips

Spring Jobs

  • Weed and fertilizing treatment for lawns- may need scarifying, aerating and top dressing
  • Fertilizing and last minute pruning for plants
  • Check irrigation is running well and set accordingly
  • Plant out and mulch if needed
  • Vege patch 6-week rotation begins
  • Mow frequently every 1-2 weeks
  • Bring pots out
  • Control of pests/diseases
Gardening Tips

Spring Jobs

  • Weed and fertilizing treatment for lawns- may need scarifying, aerating and top dressing
  • Fertilizing and last minute pruning for plants
  • Check irrigation is running well and set accordingly
  • Plant out and mulch if needed
  • Vege patch 6-week rotation begins.
  • Mow frequently every 1-2 weeks
  • Bring pots out
  • Control of pests/diseases

Spring Jobs

  • Weed and fertilizing treatment for lawns- may need scarifying, aerating and top dressing
  • Fertilizing and last minute pruning for plants
  • Check irrigation is running well and set accordingly
  • Plant out and mulch if needed
  • Vege patch 6-week rotation begins
  • Mow frequently every 1-2 weeks
  • Bring pots out
  • Control of pests/diseases
Gardening Tips

Summer Jobs

  • Check all areas are receiving enough water-adjust irrigation or watering practices as needed
  • Summer pruning flowering shrubs after bloom, fruit trees
  • Crop rotation vege patch continues
  • Early summer fertilising if needed
  • Mow lawns higher if the lawn is under heat stress
  • Control of pests/diseases
Gardening Tips

Summer Jobs

  • Check all areas are receiving enough water-adjust irrigation or watering practices as needed
  • Summer pruning flowering shrubs after bloom, fruit trees
  • Crop rotation vege patch continues
  • Early summer fertilising if needed
  • Mow lawn higher if lawn under heat stress
  • Control of pests/diseases

Summer Jobs

  • Check all areas are receiving enough water-adjust irrigation or watering practices as needed
  • Summer pruning flowering shrubs after bloom, fruit trees
  • Crop rotation vege patch continues
  • Early summer fertilising if needed
  • Mow lawn higher if lawn under heat stress
  • Control of pests/diseases
Gardening Tips

Autumn Jobs

  • Lower water rate as needed/turn off irrigation soon
  • Harvest fruits
  • Utilise leaves for mulch
  • Fertilising and weed control for lawns if needed. Aeration/coring may be needed
  • Begin pruning
  • Move pots in for winter
  • Control pests/diseases
  • Mulch/ bed down for winter
  • Remove and replace any old/dying or diseased species
Gardening Tips

Autumn Jobs

  • Lower water rate as needed/turn off irrigation soon
  • Harvest fruits
  • Utilise leaves for mulch
  • Fertilising and weed control for lawns if needed. Aeration/coring may be needed
  • Begin pruning
  • Move pots in for winter
  • Control pests/diseases
  • Mulch/ bed down for winter
  • Remove and replace any old/dying or diseased species

Autumn Jobs

  • Lower water rate as needed/turn off irrigation soon
  • Harvest fruits
  • Utilise leaves for mulch
  • Fertilising and weed control for lawns if needed. Aeration/coring may be needed
  • Begin pruning
  • Move pots in for winter
  • Control pests/diseases
  • Mulch/ bed down for winter
  • Remove and replace any old/dying or diseased species
Gardening Tips

Winter Jobs

  • Dormant period- pruning as and when required
  • Irrigation can be turned off, remove any hoses & tap connections where frost is prevalent
  • Assess garden areas for re planting, removal or trimming
  • Clean tools
  • Treat lawn for moss
Gardening Tips

Winter Jobs

  • Dormant period- pruning as and when required
  • Irrigation can be turned off, remove any hoses & tap connections where frost is prevalent
  • Assess garden areas for re planting, removal or trimming
  • Clean tools
  • Treat lawn for moss

Winter Jobs

  • Dormant period- pruning as and when required
  • Irrigation can be turned off, remove any hoses & tap connections where frost is prevalent
  • Assess garden areas for re planting, removal or trimming
  • Clean tools
  • Treat lawn for moss

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